Uluwatu Temple Bali

Uluwatu Temple Bali
Pura Luhur Uluwatu is estimated by Mpu Kuturan was built during the reign of the King who had the title Sri Haji Marakata which ruled from 944 Saka/1032 Ad Saka/948-1036 ad. He was one of the TODO and Baghawanta spiritul teacher on the reign of King Dalem Waturenggong, and reach moksha in this temple is Danghyang Nirartha. The temple is dibngun as the place where ancestral Kings pemulian he first, and shrines this temple or Palace of the Lord Rudra as well as pemulian Danghyang Niartha.


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Pura luhur Uluwatu is one of Sad Kahyangan Temple and Dang Kahyangan Pujawali Ceremony, held on the day, Wuku Miroslav Medangsia, since the rule of the King of the ancient Balinese temple is diempon by the reigning king of the time, start time the rule of the King of Badung circa 1812 Saka/1900 Bc the temple is diempon by his Majesty the King family and he in turns.

Bali Uluwatu Temple is located in Pecatu, Kuta including Badung Regency of Bali. Pura luhur Uluwatu is located above the cliffs is high and if you are above the cliffs can be seen Hindiaa beautiful ocean views. And asiknya as visitors can melihaat pura Uluwatu/haruss through the forest area which is still awake kelestarianya with lush greenery with nan, and visitors will be able to see the apes like apes on the area's attractions Monkey forest ubud Bali. And if you want to visit and search of Pura Luhur Uluwatu can see the map below:

To reach the tourist attractions on the location (pura Luhur Uluwatu bali) there are three ways that you can use.

1. Rent a motorbike that is widely available on the island of Bali, to the current price of renting a motorbike in Bali is the range of Rp 100,000 to Rp 65,000 per day.

2. Rental mobl cheaper in Bali, but if you don't understand by the way on the island of Bali, to avoid getting lost, it's good uses trevel services rent a car using a driver in Bali.

3. However, if you do not want to take care of and its transport problems with the plan even when you and your family want to vacation in Bali, the Pura Luhur sebaiknyaa seeking the services of a tour package to Bali.

Bali the island of gods renowned sights with one thousand, and is perhaps best known as the location of the place of the best sunset view. In fact a great many locations to see the sunset on the island of Bali is one of the best is in the Pura Luhur Uluwatu. The cause of this temple being the best place to see the sunset is due to its location being tanks on the southwestern island. In addition the location right above the cliffs. So as far as the eye can see without obstruction to see a beautiful sunset at the pura Luhur Uluwatu.

Kecak dance performance, in an area beyond the pura Luhur Uluwatu is also available with a fairly large stage. The stage used for the staging of the Balinese Kecak dance. In fact there are many places to watch kecak dance is on the island of Bali Kecak dance but the best that Bali is on pura Luhur Uluwatu and also became a favorite place for domestic and foreign tourists to see cultural treasures 

Kecak dance Island Bali. One reason is because staging the Kecak dance background sunset at pura Luhur Uluwatu. And if you want to visit in the pura Luhur Uluwatu for the entry ticket price in the temple more or less around 20rb until 30rb. With a vast parking lot and Uluwatu tour with berdeketan so you won't have trouble finding a parking space if you use vehicles such as cars.