On Holiday On The Island Of Weh

On Holiday On The Island Of Weh
On Holiday On The Island Of Weh In this post we will share information to you that is currently seeking a reference tourist places to visit with your family. Yah Weh island you can make it as an option to visit with beauty and paoramanya will certainly make your eyes fascinated especially for you who enjoy diving more below follows his review:

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"On Holiday On The Island Of Weh"

Weh island is a small island located in the westernmost island of the archipelago of Indonesia, which is in fact the first weh island is still blend with the island of Sumatra, caused by the eruption of a volcano on the island resulted in the Pleistocene Epoch Apart from Sumatra. Weh island is famous for the ecosystem. The Government of Indonesia has set the region as far as 60 km ² of the edge of the island either inward or outward as a nature sanctuary. Megamouth shark can be found on the coast of the island. In addition, the island is the only habitat of the endangered status of Toad, Bufo valhallae (genus Bufo). Coral reefs around the island is known as a habitat of various species of fish.

"On Holiday On The Island Of Weh"
The existence of Weh Island yet so untouched even though size is not widespread and easy access to it. Diving on the island of Weh is a fun recreational activity. Guided by the experienced divers and dive instructors are ready to offer a variety of dive sites such as the marine park on the island of Bhikkhunis. In addition you will also find many marine animals, especially manta rays, sharks, whales, dolphins and turtles. Although only a small island, natural beauty and panoramic underwater Weh Island exotic will give you an experience that will never be forgotten.

Wonderful Panorama of Weh Island So hopefully this information can add insight to us will be the beautiful islands in Indonesia have always visit this site to get other interesting information, source: online media