Panorama Tour Goa Rancang Kencono
Gunung Kidul
Panorama of the modernist EraGoa Goa Design So is tourism goa located in Kecamatan Gunugkidul, Kabupaten
Playen, Yogyakarta. Tourism is not yet so famous, but actually it is a goa
region with well-known tourist destinations namely sri gethuk water.
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Gunungkidul Regency is one of
the areas included in the Sewu Mountains Karst area with a unique natural
panorama. In addition to phenomena on the surface (eksokarst)-shaped karst
hills, in the Gunungkidul Regency is also below the surface phenomena
(endokarst) in the form of underground rivers, valleys, the Lake, and luweng
and caves. Therefore no wonder Gunungkidul has many caves scattered in the
bowels of the Earth. One of the caves that can be accessed without any special
equipment is Designed So that the cave is located in the Village Bleberan,
Gunung Kidul Regency. According to the Mosaic Heritage of Yogyakarta culture
book compiled by Ancient Relics Preservation Hall, the cave is the cave of
ancient Era Architecture is aligned with the cave of the Braholo contained in
Rongkop, it is based on the discovery of artifacts and the bones are estimated
to live thousands of years ago. Spacious room which has a cave and airy with
klumpit trees estimated to be already aged more than 2 centuries was once used
as hiding places and meeting Troops at the time they were drafting plans to
evict the Netherlands of Sultanate Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Because it is
used to design strategies for the sake of noble purpose then this cave is
called Gua Design Era.
To enter the Natural caves of
the modernist Era enough down the stairs the stone that had already been built
long ago. A tree klumpit which exceeded the height of the roof of the cave to
welcome with gagahnya. Large holes due to the decayed trunk became visible in
the age marker is already very old. Cave of the modernist Era have a yard or
space and can be used to hold the meeting. Stalactites looks adorn the ceiling
of the cave, many of which are already dead so look no further water dropping.
Next to the spacious room there is small and narrow spaces and darkness. To
enter this space must pass through a small slit with ducking. In this narrow
space there is a painting of a red and white flag as well as words of
encouragement addressed to the fighters.
In addition to the recesses of the narrow and dark cave, on the other
hand, there is a hallway that connects the modernist Era Cave reputedly with
Sri Gethuk water. Upon entering the hallway had to walk even occasionally squat
crawl because the ceilings are very short. According to the Organizer, the
aisle portion has collapsed so it can't be traced. When the night before, So
the Design of the cave is illuminated the faint Moonlight mystical look at once
Such information about the
cave of the modernist era reviews, all the information we sajiakan above about
the attractions of the cave was acquired and in auto summary from various
sources. Hopefully this brief reviews information can add insight into all of
us. All this may be useful