Goa To The South Of Java That You Visit

Goa To The South Of Java That You Visit
Goa To The South Of Java That You Visit For you who are currently looking for sites, hopefully inforamasi Goa location South of Java under the following can be used as a reference for you on a trip with the family and friends of you. Goa-goa in southern Java – Indonesia has many beautiful natural attractions of nan exotic. Among the natural attractions are the fringing tour goa or caving. Cave tourism in Indonesia, especially in Java there are many on the South coast. Well for those of you who are adventurous hobbies down natural caves, here's some existing g0a South of Java that you visit.
Goa Pindul, Yogyakarta
Goa is located in Kecamatan Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul, in Yogyakarta and was inaugurated as the new sights in the year 2010. It's a pity that before know the beauty of goa, population about dump here. Before it was discovered that its underground river looks so interesting. Along the river Pindul Goa, tourists can enjoy the excitement of cave tubing that is down the River in goa by using rubber boats.
Goa Tetes, Lumajang
Goa located 55 kilometres from the South of the city of Malang provides beautiful views with gradation stalagtit and stalagmitnya. Goa Drops in the village, Sidomulyo Pronojiwo Hill. To be able to feel and enjoy the beautiful Goa drops, visitors must be willing to walk 3 km away. Maybe it will feel exhausting but a sense of tired it is comparable with the views which can be enjoyed. The visitors will be spoilt for choice with the cliffs of golden yellow and layered sulfur as well as the charming green vine. Not only that, in the right and left of the cliff there is also a lug plunge. So visitors will feel the beauty of a blend of moss-green cliffs and lug a refreshing plunge.
Goa Lowo, Trenggalek
Goa in Trenggalek no less beautiful with its beaches. The cave is located in Watuagung, district Watulimo is located 30 kilometres from the town of Trenggalek. Goa is saving the mystery along 2 kilometres. Some Parties mention Goa goa Lowo is Southeast Asia's largest. Only 9 rooms and 800 meters from this place who can by crawling man. While others, it is recommended not to be crawled because it is too dangerous.

Goa Lawa, Purbalingga
Goa who was in the area of Siwarak, sub-district of Purbalingga City Karangreja, is located under the slopes of Mount Slamet. Formed from deposits of limestone and volcanic lava that hardens. Goa is very long hallway that is 1.5 km and breadth to 5 km. uniquely, there are rocks which forms resemble semar, one of the puppet. When the stones are there in goa is formed naturally.