Tour Of The Valley's Unique, Mandatory You Know

Tour Of The Valley's Unique, Mandatory You Know
PAL everything is surely not already familiar with tourist spots in Bandung. One of the attractions in Bandung is the area of the Valley that also has a variety of tourist destinations. Generally, tourists, both local and foreign tourists visiting these places in the Valley. The venue is the Tangkuban Perahu, Ciater hot spring baths, and Kampung Gajah. As a true adventurer, friend backpacker definitely wanted tourist destinations that are not commonly visited and certainly unique. Here 5 places to tour the Valley's unique, mandatory to visit you.
Full Leaf Hometown Culture Gallery and Cafe, one of the attractions of Lembang 2016 offers the experience of eating a meal with a beautiful ambience, comfortable and romantic. The atmosphere in the village Leaves beautiful indeed because of this concept of the attractions of the countryside. Here, PAL would notice and occupy the houses such as saung made of bamboo, complete with torch and his plants.

Location of Kampung Daun is located at JL. Sergeant Bajuri Km 4.7 No. 88 – R1, Bandung. The journey from pasteur toll gate approximately is about 1 – 1.5 hours. For PAL backpacker has ever visited Kampung Gajah then Kampong Leaves can be found quickly and easily. Because the location of the tourism Lembang, Bandung is one single line with Kampung Gajah, about 1 – 1.5 KM from Kampung Gajah in the direction of Parongpong. Kampung Leaves very suitable visited together with couples because the atmosphere is romantic in the evening had been.

Outbound in Cikole Graphics
Looking for a place for team building company or organization? Then the Graphic Cikole could be the perfect place for backpackers to PAL. Lembang, Bandung tourist attractions that one in imenghadirkan tourism area with natural shades of the mountains with a complete outbound. Not only the outbound activity that can be done, but also mildly offroad ria.

Facilities in Graphic Cikole fairly complete. In tourist areas, there are areas of outbound, tracking, and forest fire. In addition to the area to conduct activities, tourist attractions in Lembang, Bandung also doubles as a place of lodging, can the tablets for PAL backpacker looking for a villa at Lembang to stay while on vacation here.

Hobbit home in Farmhouse
Farmhouse is a Valley attractions is unique. The full name of a getaway this is a Farmhouse Milk. From the name alone, PAL can already guess that this place provides typical local milk Lembang, Bandung. Farmhouse Lembang were able to be said it is the new tourist destinations. Unique attractions this one presents a new concept in sightseeing where this concept could not we enjoy in urban areas.

The uniqueness of the Farmhouse there is on the concept of tourism that brings. Farmhouse holiday concept presents the ala Valley farms, European-style. In Lembang, Bandung tourist attractions on this one, PAL can ber photos at home is a pretty similar to the Hobbits who appear in the movie Lord of The Rings. In addition to the hobbit House, in this place we can also see the European-style building that was not in the photograph are strongly encouraged. Do not just take pictures, PAL backpacker can also play and feed livestock animals in the sights of the Valley on this one.

Cowboy Ranch in De
If the Farmhouse Milk Lembang offers ala farm/agricultural Europe, De Ranch PAL backpacker would feel being in the time of the American cowboy. Yup! De Ranch is one of the attractions of Lembang in Bandung where these sights offer activities that are closely related to horses. Not only does the horse alone, De Ranch is also supported by a large courtyard and decoration ciamik ala era cowboy. So, friend of backpackers really would feel being in the past here.

In De Ranch Lembang, PAL backpacker can wear a costume worthy of his cowboy a cowboy riding a horse to the workers, then toured the location De Ranch. For those who want to get to know the activities of horse riding more away, the sights of Lembang, Bandung provides lessons on horseback equestrian sports as the basis, the knowledge of the maintenance and care of the horse until the horse carriage driving course in addition to then, there are also other activities activities where families can work together to expand insight and knowledge about the life of animal husbandry particularly horses and dairy cows.

Floating Market is not solely a matter of the Valley of the mountains. The tourist area of the Valley also presents the Union tourist destinations that are associated with the water and the boat. Backpacker buddy certainly also no stranger to this place. Yup! tourist attractions this one called the Floating Market. In the Floating Market, as the name implies, friend of backpackers would find a market or selling place where seller hawking wares on a boat that floats on water.

Floating Market the Valley is perfect for a friend on vacation with the family. Sights of the Valley is very comfortable to be enjoyed with a relaxed sitting on the edge of the Lake while sampling the local cuisine. In addition to traditional cuisine which is sold on a boat tour in place, also serves modern cuisine in a bar, like pizza. For the PAL who brought small children, no need to worry because here is also friendly with young children. Because, there is a children's play area as well as the Park's miniature railroad which would make kids enjoy playing in the Floating Market. Next > >