Dieng, Central Java Tourist Location, You Must Visit

Dieng, Central Java Tourist Location, You Must Visit
Dieng, Central Java Tourist Location, You Must Visit For you who like to holiday on a trip below are sights that you may know and visit together with friends and family. Dieng plateau is a mountain located in Central Java. Dieng plateau administratively included in the two districts namely Wonosobo and Banjarnegara. There are a wide variety of Dieng area natural phenomenon is strange and unique and beautiful scenery so much attracted tourists to visit a wide variety of Tours Dieng. According to reliable sources, Dieng plateau is an active volcanic area and can be said to be a giant volcano has several summits and the kepunden crater. This results in the area of Dieng plateau there is a range of volcanic phenomena very interesting to visit and learn.
"Sumur Jalatunda Dieng"

1. Sumur Jalatunda Dieng;

"Sumur Jalatunda Dieng"

It is one of a very interesting natural phenomenon to study. The well of Jalatunda in Dieng has a diameter of 90 meters which according to experts these wells are formed from volcanic eruptions millions of years ago. This eruption crater holes then formed as well. Gradually this hole filled with water until now and is one of a very potential tourist to visit. Well this is still rarely visited by tourists because of the location of the well of Jalatunda own hidden aagak. To go to the well of Jalatunda visitors have to climb a number of ladders 257 the fruit first.

2. Telaga Warna;

"Telaga Warna"

Tourist destinations in the region of dieng is another Lake called Cebong. The Lake is located in the village of Sembungan, which is the highest village in Central Java. So usually the tourists after enjoying sunrise on the Summit of Sikunir, home straight to the pool of this Cebong, because it is not far from Sikunir. Here you can enjoy the natural beauty of the surrounding nature in the form of a well there is land-agricultural land have the population so as to add to the beauty of a well Cebong. With its location above 2300 m above sea level, so much to say that this is a well Cebong Well above the clouds

3. Batu Ratapan Angin; 
"Batu Ratapan Angin"

Dieng plateau is a cliff at an altitude of located adjacent to Telaga Warna Dieng Plateau region. This place became one of the favorite tourist visitors Dieng because from here you can see the Telaga warna and Telaga Pengilon from a height. Can create the right look at the two Lake from a height, definitely a nice natural beauty here. However, because of its rather high, it takes extra effort to reach this place. But after arriving at the top, will be paid off with the reigning beauty in stone Lament this wind. Stone Wailing wind is also often referred to as the stone of view Dieng.

4. Gardu Padang Tieng;
"Bukit Sikunir"

Is a building located on the edge of a highway in the region of Dieng. This building was used as a place to enjoy the views in the area of Dieng. The view from this spot is very interesting especially in the morning during sunrise/sunrise. Viewing in Dieng plateau has an altitude of about 1700 above sea level. From this place you can see views of Mount Sindoro and mount Displays, as well as expanses of agricultural land belonging to the community that looks fertile.

5. Tourism Dieng Plateau Theater;

"Candi Arjuna"

It is one form of serious maintainers Dieng Area develop it became a favorite tourist destination in Central Java. Dieng Plateau Theater is a pretty magnificent buildings in the area where We in this place a place serving the movie
documentary on the Dieng Plateau. Dieng Plateau Theater has a capacity of 60 seats. The documentary was aired, titled Earth Heaven dieng Plateau with a duration of 20 minutes. How, interested. Indeed it feels incomplete when visiting Tourist Dieng but not visit Dieng Plateau Theater.

6. Candi Arjuna;
"Candi Arjuna"

In addition to its natural tours is known for its beautiful, the dieng plateau there are also cultural tours in the form of a temple. The temple is located in Dieng Temple is arjuna, in fact at this location not only the temple Bhima, but also there are other temples such as the temple Candi Semar, Shikhandi, Candi Puntadewa Temple, and Sembadra, so that the complex is known for its complex enshrinement of Arjuna. Based on the inscription that was ever found in the temple this Temple, possibly arjuna arjuna was built early in the century IX m. Dieng Temple sights Besides offering views of Arjuna in the form of an exotic Temple is also a very natural scenery good especially for photography lovers

7. Gunung Prau;
"Gunung Prau"

Mountaineering prau is a tour that was set aside for your hobby of mountain climbing or nature lovers. Just like other ascents to climb Mount prau required the preparation of a more mature especially the physical readiness of the climbers themselves. Mountaineering Prau is not as popular as trekking in the surrounding areas such as mount Sindoro Sumbing, Merapi, etc, but it has a Mount Prau distinction and has views that are not less beautiful. Jalaur ascent is from Kendal or from the Dieng. The height of the peak of Mount Prau is 2,565 mdpl, pretty short compared to other mountains. One spot on the ascent of the mountain was the prominent Hill Prau teletubbies, where in this hill there is an expanse of green pastures resemble children's series teletubbies settings on television

The tourist area of Dieng is actually a giant volcano that still there is volcanic activity inside. One of the signs of volcanic activity, this is there some craters in the area of Dieng. One of the craters on the Sikandang Crater is the crater dieng has an area of approximately 200 sqm and is present on a flat land so that visitors can clearly see the vapour of smoke coming out of the crater. However a careful Yes, because just as the crater is generally, in Sikidang crater sulfur levels it also contains a high, so as to maintain the security of visitors managers already built fences around the site of the crater, although only using wood

The beauty of Dieng, Central Java Region is indeed incomparable. It is evidenced by the large number of natural attractions in the Dieng who are ready to be enjoyed by visitors from a wide area. Nature tourism in Dieng one is a telaga. There is one Lake is the largest lake in the region, namely Telaga Merdada Dieng. Telaga Merdada there are in the village of Karangtengah, Batur, Banjarnegara district. Tourist destinations in this Lake form Dieng if viewed from its form resembles the former Caldera volcanic eruptions, which then was inundated with water. This contour will be clearly visible when viewed from a height

8. Telaga Warna
"Bukit Sikunir"

It feels incomplete when visiting tourist attractions in Dieng Telaga warna but no visit to Lake pengilon, Lake Pengilon elaga is located adjacent to the Telaga warna in Dieng plateau. Uniquely located close together, though tourism Dieng Telaga Pangilon has different characteristics with the Telaga Warna. Telaga Pengilon has the color of clear water and have no color as in the Telaga Warna. Photography enthusiasts will surely be pleased with the landscape around Telaga Warna Lake and Pengilon, where there is a lake which is surrounded by beautiful hills and green
Travel destinations in Dieng other not less beautiful in the area of Dieng is a telaga warna, Telaga Warna in Dieng plateau lies at an altitude 2000 mdpl, where the views in this place is very beautiful. Telaga Warna Dieng has its own uniqueness compared to other reservoir or Lake in Indonesia. The uniqueness of the telaga Warna Dieng this is located on the water which often change colour change, sometimes colored red, green, blue, white, and purple. A unique natural phenomenon in Telaga Warna Dieng is kaena telaga contains sulfur which is quite high. This sulfur when exposed to sunlight, it will give rise to other colors

9. Bukit Sikunir ;
"Bukit Sikunir"

This Hill is located in the village of Sembungan, which is a hill which has a panorama in the form of a beautiful sunrise. Sunrise in Dieng plateau tour became one of the mainstay in Dieng plateau. The best time to enjoy the sunrise is around July-August is the month where in summer so heaven will look clean and no rain. However, because the scenery is enjoyed by sunrise or sunrise, you should come to the spot observation Hill Sikunir Dieng at dawn or morning blind. Usually the tourists will stay at a homestay or hotel, lodging in the area around the Dieng plateau Next > >