The Charm Of The Kaliurang Montain Merapi

The Charm Of The Kaliurang Montain  Merapi

TheCharm Of The Kaliurang Montain  Merapi. This area is located at the foot of Mount Merapi and is at an elevation of about 875 meters above sea level. It is located on the plateau made the atmosphere in the area is very cool as at the Summit. In addition, you will be pampered with a full range of villas and resort which can be rented with the prices in price.

"The Charm Of The Kaliurang Montain  Merapi"

A Brief History
There is a story which the region Can become a tourist area as it is now. In the early 19th century, a number of Geologists from the Netherlands who at that time lived in Yogyakarta is searching for a place to stay for family members. They finally find a place and exploring every inch of the area in Yogyakarta to Kaliurang finally arrived in the area. Upon arrival at the foot of Mount Merapi this area, they are lured by the natural charm and air kesejukkan owned the area. Up to the end of their diputuskanlah will make this area as his family residence. Start built several villas and resorts in various places. So no strange if now found buildings with stylish aksitektur Netherlands. The buildings are still preserved and became one of the attraction for this area.

"The Charm Of The Kaliurang Montain  Merapi"

This place is also part of the history of Indonesia, when on January 13, 1948 held a parley between the Republic of Indonesia in Kaliurang and commissions of three States (KTN). KTN himself diwaliki by three countries, namely Belgium, Australia and the United States who served as a mediator conflict of Indonesia and Netherlands deliveries. The negotiations took place at Wisma Kaliurang that up to now the building can still be enjoyed. These negotiations resulted in a deal that is also known as the meeting Ground. The origin of the naming of the area comes from the discovery of a river filled with shrimp. River in Javanese language can be interpreted with the times, while the urang can also interpret the shrimp.

The Charm Of Kaliurang
Kaliurang has been known has a beautiful natural panorama. Upon arrival at this plateau area, visitors will be greeted by Eve cool, fresh air and cold that sometimes penetrating to the bone. This place is indeed very suitable to fill the time on vacation. From the Kaliurang scenery presented his magnificent Mount Merapi that stands firmly from a distance. Will see a panorama of the beauty of Mount remarkable, vaguely covered by blue clouds seemed to add to the beauty of the mountain full of mystery. Next..