The Charm Of Pangandaran Beach A Must Visit

The Charm Of Pangandaran Beach A Must Visit

TheCharm Of Pangandaran Beach A Must Visit Pangandaran beach is one of the tourist attractions are located in the South of the island of Java in the Village, sub-district Pananjung Pangandaran Pangandaran, Regency, West Java province. Pangandaran Beach was named the best beach on the island of Java version Asia Rooms area of Pangandaran Beach tourist attraction has the most beautiful sights in the world, namely Greenland. Greenland is a cliff there because the water droplets that fall from above, and the water is green, Greenland looks very exotic, especially for those of you who are looking for inspiration. In addition, In the tourist area of Pangandaran Beach also provides tour guide for you tourists from outside of Indonesia and the language in use by the tour guide is typically use English. With the supporting factors, then the tourists visiting in the area of Pangandaran beach can do diverse activities ranging from swimming, yachting, fishing, travelling by bike, sailing, jet skiing and others.

"The Charm Of Pangandaran Beach A Must Visit"

As for the traditional event which is in Pangandaran beach is the Intention of the sea, namely the ceremony conducted around Pangandaran Beach fishermen as the embodiment of their gratitude towards the mercies of God Almighty by means of melarung offerings to the sea loose. This regular event held in each month of Muharam, to take place in the coastal area east of Pangandaran. International tourism event that is always executed in Pagandaran Beach Tourism Object West Java is the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran Kite Festival International) and its supporting activities that we can Watch every June or July.

"The Charm Of Pangandaran Beach A Must Visit"

Other facilities available at Pangandaran Beach Attractions:
Ample parking, airy,
Hotel, restaurant, lodging, tourist lodges with rates vary,
The Ministry of post, telecommunications and money changer,
Cinema, discotheque
Tour guide and Tourism Information Centre,
The bike and the tyres rented pool
Parasailing and jetski.
Pangandaran entrance fees:
a. Pedestrian 1 (one) person Rp. 3,000,-
b. Motorcycles, Rp. 7,000-
c. the vehicle type of Jeep/Sedan Rp. 28,000,-
d. Vehicle Types Carry Rp. 35,000,-
e. Large passenger vehicles Rp 40,700,-
f. Small BUS Rp. 80,000,-
g. BUS Being Rp. 104,000,-
h. Large BUS Rp. 169,000,-

"The Charm Of Pangandaran Beach A Must Visit"

So this time, posting information on this beach in auto summary from various sources, may be useful and can make reference to you to get to know closer Charm Pangandaran Beach West Java. Thank you and happy visit.